
Showing posts from December, 2012

Trove Tuesday: Family Celebrities

I am of the general belief that every one has in their family tree a celebrity of some sort, in my case it is the husband of my great (x2) great-aunt, Monica Sinclair. They met on the ship to Australia, as the extract below shows. Can you work out who her husband was? MMIGRANTS' CHILDREN. (1848, February 5).  The Sydney Morning Herald  (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved December 11, 2012, from If you guessed William Arnott (yes THAT William Arnott, the one of Biscuit fame) you'd be spot on! You can find all the #TroveTuesday posts over at  Branches, Leaves & Pollen  or search the hashtag on twitter.

Trove Tuesday: Rose Vale School

One of my major historical interests is the history of education, something to which my shelved PhD project will attest, so it has always been a pleasure to know that one of my ancestors at least placed great stock in educational opportunity. The letter below with a family bible was given to Charles Robert Muffett of Rosevale, Windellama by the children who attended the schoolroom he built on his property. I was pleased then to find a mention of this school in the SMH REPORT OF THE COUNCIL OF EDUCATION. (1880, May 4). The Sydney Morning Herald  (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved December 4, 2012, from One day I am going to have to trek out to Kingswood and look at the records held about the school by the State Archive. I'm sure it will be fascinating.  You can find all the #TroveTuesday posts over at  Branches, Leaves & Pollen  or search the hashtag on twitter.